Monday, September 14, 2015

Okay rain, you can go away now!

We've had rain every day out here at Wickham Park and it has brought some refreshing cool breezes along with Mosquitos and,other buggies. Tree frogs trill outside our home,on wheels. Thelma Lou doesn't seem to mind. In fact, I believe I heard her humming along with them the'other night.
Our cat, Oscar, has taken to travel trailer life just as our dogs, Molly and LuLu have. As long as they are with us, they are content. Plus, I have no choice but to walk them, which they love since there is no room to spread doggie pads and papers about. So we walk, they sniff everything in sight, roll around in patches of fragrant grass. Tomorrow is nail cutting day which they will relish...yeah, sure!

We get great wi-fi and t.v. Service,in the'park and everyone is friendly. Right now, there are not that many campers. Weekends are peak time and during the week, it is relatively quiet. We are close to our pharmacy, CVS; our grocer, Publix and Fresh Market. There are challenges facing us. As newbies to the travel trailer world, we are learning about annoying problems that need to be fixed,on our "boat", including a faulty black water tank that needed to be flushed,out early on or it would back up and spew out nasty "shit ", literally speaking. Bob put that little fire out. I have to wonder what people who know nothing about anything mechanically challenging or constructively demanding might handle on the road emergencies. I suppose they depend'on local RV dealerships...who charge a fortune (!!!) to just take a peek at your RV.
I think most RVs come with a set of problems. From silly little annoyances such as broken toilet paper holders or shower head clogs, there is something everyone will have to deal with. So it is best to have a little experience in making repairs on your own or you're liable to run up a fierce bill that will put you into a financial hole before you get on the road.
I'm lucky. Bob can fix almost anything. I, in turn, am pretty good at getting stuff organized and talking our dogs into going for walkies. I can cook a mean microwave pizza ( after I burn the first one!!)and put quarters in the laundry machines. And,of course write my blogs and articles.
Right now, I am ready for a nap. Still getting used to this type of living takes some fortitude that I hope I can conjure up.
In the meantime, I am fighting a fierce pain in my lower left abdomen that warrants a visit to my gastroenterologist per my rheumie who seems more concerned than I about it. But without codeine, I am afraid I would have to curl up in the fetal position and moan and gross about how awful I feel. I'm not the most exciting person in the world as it is. So this pissy state of affairs would probably drive Bob to go sleep at the local motel six where the light is on.
Hopefully, after tomorrow's visit with the
Cheers, dears. Happy Wednesday evening!

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